
What is a document?

“What is a document?” is the question Michael K. Buckland deals with in his essay for an issue of Media Studies journal. Concerning Shakespeare I’d likely ask – whether a textual or an antilope should be a document or not. This might conveniently result as the most particular concern in this essay. Watched from a […]


What McLuhan did for ’em

I red an essay of Paul Levinson – McLuhan and Media Ecology. This short essay is somehow a contribution to the acknowledgement of Herbert Marshall McLuhan’s person. For Levinson it is clear that McLuhan’s ideas are profoundly necessary, but not sufficient for the foundation of what today is called Media Ecology. Levinson presents what aspects […]


A historical approach to the media

I should have called this article a reminiscence of Herbert Marshall McLuhan’s view on the media, but it is, in particular, something differing a bit from it, that the essay I red deals with. McLuhan tried to change the peoples’ view on the media his whole life long. This essay, I am relating to, he […]