
Nearly drowned and back to life with a clue in his hands

The last we got to know was that Torak plunged into the water and did not come up again for some time. We would not get to know that either in the next chapter, though we can read some of his flow of consciousness, struggling and fighting with the mighty flewing river water. At least […]


Torak’s unforseeable escape and their journey with three of them

We left Torak, the Tall Tailless, as Wolf calls him and the little Wolf cub at chapter nine and will now resume the story following up till chapter fourteen. Torak was bent to a roofpost from Oslak and Wolf bent to the same roofpost with a leash. A clan meet is summoned and the different […]


Captured, fighting and to fulfil a clan’s prophecy

Torak and Wolf have been captured by three hunters, one one of them a girl called Renn, anotherone a boy named Hord and the adult Oslak, a giant of a person. They take them to their camp, because Torak has hunted in their territory. Although he didn’t know that because he had not been to […]


unknown chapter?!

As for the last chapter was a bit longer then the others I will summarize it a way shorter as the others before. Probably I won’t go any further in detailed explanation, because there aren’t many aspects worth mentioning. It also maybe that I will try to summarize more as one single chapter at once. […]


The fever is gone

After a night of trembling, Torak wakes up again and feels the fever left his body, his wound even does not feel sour any longer. He is looking out for food and is going round the traps he has set up. A woodgrouse is kept in one of these and if we hadn’t before, we […]



Obviously the fourth chapter is a very short one which just gives the reader a short impression on Torak’s physical condition, not like a case report, but more as a description of his situation being ill and left alone in the forest. Torak has to fix his wound. Therefore he uses barks of a willow […]


First sniffing of each other

Perhaps you might have thought that the titles of my posting here are somehow related to the book’s names of the different chapters. It’s just that they’re numbered from one to thirty-two. What my postings are entitled with is somehow like a brief summary of the chapter’s plot. The third chapter though presents us two […]


Meeting the wolf cub

As you were told before, Torak now is straying around in the “Deep Forest” alone. In the second chapter of Michelle Paver’s book Wolf Brother most of what the reader is told is meant to be a description of the forrest surrounding Torak. He remembers the times he spent in the forrest’s glades and slopes […]


Fa’s death

Obviously the death of his father is what the reader will remind after he red the first chapter of Michelle Paver’s book Wolf Brother. Torak is a twelve year old boy, who had to be grown up as a native together with his father not close to men but close to nature. Torak’s father is […]

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