
Captured, fighting and to fulfil a clan’s prophecy

Torak and Wolf have been captured by three hunters, one one of them a girl called Renn, anotherone a boy named Hord and the adult Oslak, a giant of a person. They take them to their camp, because Torak has hunted in their territory. Although he didn’t know that because he had not been to any clan meetings for a long time, Torak should be killed for his robbery of prey. He killed the buck that does not belong to him, or his territory. Law is law and though Torak uses his only chance, and insists on another law he learned from his father that makes it possible to fight for the prey.

Torak is given the chance to fight against Hord, the nephew of the clan’s leader Fin-Kedinn, who seems to know Torak’s father somehow. Torak unexpectedly carries the day and should be left together with the cub to leave freely. But Renn is reminded of a clan’s prophecy that is telling of a listener who would fight the “evil” with air, and speaks with silence. Torak had carved a whistle out of an antler which does not make any sound for the ears of humans but the wolf cub can hear even better. Though Torak is kept again and it is not sure what will happen to him. That is how the story developed during the chapters seven, eight and nine.

Paver, Michelle, 2004: Wolf Brother. - Kent (UK): BCA.

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